So, you’re probably already a big fan of pesto... but did you know that traditional recipes and shop-bought versions often contain dairy? If you’re looking for a healthy, vegan alternative – we've got your back with this super tasty Spirulina Pesto Pasta!
What is spirulina?
This vegan pesto pasta is a nutritional powerhouse, thanks to our Organic Spirulina Powder. Spirulina is a superfood that’s naturally derived from blue-green algae, and is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals (including iron, zinc and vitamin D). Therefore, Spirulina offers lots of health benefits - ranging from increased energy levels to a healthy metabolism and immune system.

What’s more, each serving of Organic Spirulina Powder provides 21g of protein and all the essential amino acids. This is great if you struggle to get enough protein in your diet, and want to support the growth and maintenance of muscle.
Not only is this vegan pesto pasta good for your health, it’s packed full of flavour and only takes 20 minutes to make. Enjoy as a comforting dinner, or as a speedy lunch throughout the week!
Spirulina Pesto Pasta Recipe
200g pine nuts, very lightly toasted
50g nutritional yeast
3 handfuls fresh basil
1 clove garlic, chopped
Sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1tsp Myvegan Organic Spirulina Powder
Juice of 1 lemon
200g whole grain pasta
Lightly toast the pine nuts in a medium pan, then leave aside to cool.
Pulse the garlic and basil in food processor.
Reserve 3tbsp of the toasted pine nuts for decoration. Add the remaining pine nuts and olive oil to the mixture and pulse again.
Stir in the lemon juice, nutritional yeast, and Myvegan Organic spirulina powder
Season to taste. You may add more olive oil to reach the consistency of your liking.
Boil the pasta according package instructions, and serve with a generous amount of spirulina pesto. Top with the reserved pine nuts and few basil leaves and serve immediately.
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